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Chizuko (Chi) Asada:  Founder & Artistic Director

As a classical pianist, Chi wanted to bring classical chamber and piano music closer to the audience in the intimate setting like in Mozart & Chopin's time,  instead of the big hall. 

Born in Japan, she started her music studies at the age of four. She earned Master of Music at California State University, Long Beach, where she currently teaches as a piano faculty member. Chi manages the Hoson Classical Series at Hoson House.

Chris WabichChris Wabich Jazz Series Director


From Los Angeles, Chris is known as a versatile and original voice on the drumset. The variety of artists he works with reflects his diversity as both musician and producer.  His drumming is heard with Ludacris, Sting, Leonard Cohen, Stanley Jordan, Brian Johnson (AC/DC) Sheila E., Mark Murphy, the Zappa Family, Larry Koonse, Turkish superstar Omar Faruk, Boogsie Sharpe, and many others notable musicians. 

He earned Master of Music in Percussion Major at California State University at Long Beach, where he first met Chi, and taught World Music at University of Arizona. 

PATRICK S. CRABB:  Hoson Arts Director

As a jazz lover and a  clay artist Patrick joined our team in December 2016, after frequently attending Hoson concerts. His fine arts educational background came from University of Massachusetts-Amherst (BFA Degree) and UC Santa Barbara (MFA Degree). He guided  the ceramics  program  of nearly 40 years at Santa Ana College until his retirement in 2015. His works are collected  in dozens of  museums within the USA, China, Japan, and Italy with the most recent acquisition at the Smithsonian's Renwick Gallery.  He is an honored  recipient of the Fulbright Grant Award. Patrick continues as an avid world traveler also, hosting  consecutive international tours since 1999.             

Susan Golian:  General Advisor

Though California born, Susan has lived in almost every region of the United States, returning to California in the 1980s to settle down with husband Steve and be involved with Sterling Art. A year after their marriage, Talia came into the world, giving Susan everything she had ever wanted and she spent the next 15 years being a full-time mother, part-time helper with the business. When Talia was in high school, Susan began to search for her next role and determined that nursing was her calling. She began attending community college to fulfill prerequisites, and was ultimately admitted to, and graduated from, Golden West College’s School of Nursing in 2010. She now works full-time in the postpartum unit of a local hospital, providing care and education to healthy mother-baby couplets - in other words, she has the best possible job in the entire world! She is active in her church, has 2 cats, 1 dog and a comfortably untidy house to look after. She became involved with Hoson House through her friendship with Chi, whom she met through her mother-in-law, the marvelous Marion Golian. Chi played piano at Marion’s church and Marion was determined to have Talia learn piano from Chi - and so a great friendship was made.

Talia Golian:  Hospitality 

Currently majoring in statistics at UCLA, Talia has spent her life involved with the arts in on way or another. Born to the owner of a thriving artists’ materials store, she began studying piano with Chi at the age of 7. She went on to be a member of the Opera Conservatory at the Orange County High School of the Arts (OCHSA) and joined Chi at Hoson House as a board member and head of hospitality while attending Orange Coast Community College. Talia has scaled back her work with Hoson House as she focuses on her education, but is looking forward to resuming a more active role in the future.

Betty Chung:  Videographer

Betty Chung is a former student of Chi. Betty graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor's in Information Systems Technology.

After reconnecting with Chi after high school, they discovered that Betty's hobby for videography and technology were perfect for Hoson's House's goals. Betty currently assists with making videos for Hoson House. 

Betty currently lives in Kansas City and is a Customer Service Representative for OEC Group.

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